Yokohama Port Terminal
City of Yokohama
Yokohama, Japan
30,000 sm
International Design Competition

Yokohama Pier is both a cruise ship terminal and mixed-use cultural center—a threshold to distant shores and a connection between city and waterfront. These two distinct uses inspired the concept of two long bars that pivot around a central point. Each end splits open, one to receive the sea and one to create a protected marina. Located along the northern edge of the pier, the passenger terminal has a series of sequential spaces that process travelers for their journey. In contrast, the cultural mixer is an animated venue housing a museum, film center, galleries, bars, restaurants and gardens. Two long buildings converge at the pivot point, a large bubble-like atrium where the various programs—information, entertainment, education, culture and transportation—collide to create a vibrant urban nexus. At the topmost level of the cruise terminal, bars and restaurants cantilever over the atrium. Wrapping the bubble, a giant screen pulsing with images and information is viewed from the bay.

Project Team
Tat Chan, Michael Etzel, Jason Hoffman, Tony Owen, Paul Masi, Audrey Matlock, Danny McNelly, Michael Dodson
Gilsanz, Murray, Stefick
Jock Pottle