Brooklyn Community Center
Federation of Italian-American Organizations
Brooklyn, NY
50,000 sf
Limited Competition 2010

For a location populated by small homes and low scale industrial facilities, we designed
a building to be a community hub for sports, entertainment and culture. The building’s
programmatic components are conceived as individually distinct volumes that are unified
with a diaphanous skin of perforated metal. Behind this translucent façade, exposed
corridors portray the building occupants’ kinetic activity. A projection screen at the building’s
front streams videos during special events. From the street level, an all glass wall invites
passers-by to view the sports activities in the gymnasium below. At the top of the building,
saw tooth skylights that evoke the skyline, flood the swimming pool with sky views and
natural light.

Project Team
Brian Baxter, Audrey Matlock, Faith Mercado, Theo Smith, Oliver Valle